2010年1月18日 星期一

Learning English with IT in Primary School

In my past experience teaching English to learners in primary school, I found that the use of IT in my lesson linked my teaching and learning to real life as well as the virtual world.

As English is a second language being used outside school for most students in Hong Kong, the aim of using IT in my lessons is to help my students get access to English World online as well as using the tools for developing students self-learning skills.

The students nowadays are well equipped with the IT competence as early as kindergarteners. Thus, my primary 3 students can now using Facebook to set up groups to invite friends to see their photos of travelling, artworks and videos of performances.

Last Christmas, I got my students crazy in taking part in a Christmas carol performance. A week before the performance, I showed them the video clip of "When Christmas comes to town" (a theme song from the Movie:Polar Express) from Youtube,the students loved the song and video so much and asked me to sing the song with them every English lesson for a whole week.

As I know, my students visited Facebooks website very often. To help them making good use of the web for learning I put the links of the songs, speech, and their performances in English lesson. Later, I will try to ask students to give comments in English, so that they can use English in their daily life.

A speech of Little Eco heroin: Severn Suzuki
Polar Express - When Christmas Comes to Town